Wednesday 21 September 2011

The gallery - guilty pleasures

ok, i'll put my hand up and admit it. one of my gulity pleasures is dressing my kids up in silly things to make them look cute and so i have photos to embaress them with when they are older - like this


  1. Oh no!! You're one of them :) Not my cup of tea I'm afraid - can't stand fancy dress in any form. However, having ammunition for when they are older, that's well worth it!

  2. They are very cute, the clothes and the kids :)

  3. So cute! I love dressing our son up - any excuse, Buzz, Roary, Red Indian.... and that's just to go to Tesco

  4. Fab pictures! My kids love dressing up - especially face painting. Luckily my husband is a dab hand at it - you wouldn't think it to look at him, he's a typical 'rugby player', prop no less!


Your comments are alway welcome, i know they take you time, i appreciate each one because, the smile they bring is mine.