Hi all,
This morning i got into work and found a parcel waiting for me. Its a blog swap parcel from the lovely Norma who blogs here. The swap was organised by Lakota who generally makes me laugh with her blog posts.
Anyway, i can't show you what I've sent as its not arrived yet and i forgot to take pictures (doh!) but her is what a lucky me received.
This fabricy parcel sent fantastic
A felty soap (which means it acts like a washcloth, lavender heart, lace (destined for a 'tiny' frock), a tea cosy (which i was in need of) and some lush fabric.
the previous piccy doesn't show how beautiful the fabric is, neither does this, wish you could all pet the fabric, its sooooo soft.
The reverse of the tea cosy, and best of all it looks just like my tea pot!
Thank you Norma, just hope you like your goodies as much x
Oh lovely goodies and very red white and blue in theme. That soap sounds like a good idea, how unusual. Thanks for linking up!
I very much enjoyed taking part in the swap with you. Keep in touch!