Wednesday 1 September 2010


we visited my mums this weekend. their neighbours (across the road) have chickens and the kids were allowed to get an egg each from the hens. they both arrived back at my mums proudly showing off their eggs!
my lad  was keen to show his off but his sister wasn't

Being at home yesterday with my lad we got busy and made things, banana cake, lasagna for out tea (i have leftovers for my lunch today yumyum) and he helped make a bag. he picked the fabric and did all the machine foot pressing (just glad there is speed control on my machine!)
its turned out nicely i think..
(one day i will rememebr to turn my pictures round the correct way!)

1 comment:

  1. Banana cake.....yummmmmmm :)
    You can't beat eggs straight from the chickens bum, (technically you can still beat them...but you know what I mean)!
    You can never have too many bags...or pirates.


Your comments are alway welcome, i know they take you time, i appreciate each one because, the smile they bring is mine.