Wednesday, 12 January 2011

The gallery - body parts

the gallary (as hosted here this week is pictures of body parts.

i have 2 piccys of heads, mainly cos they amuse me!

This is when my kiddies went to the infant and child lab at birmingham uni to help with their investiagtions into how kiddies brains work!


  1. Funny pics--your kids look so very cooperative with it all!

    This gives me hope that I will someday understand how my two, Chaos and Destruction, to find some science-lab-hairnets...

  2. ha pics

  3. Oooh, what unique photos. I'd love to know more about the work they're doing. I'm fascinated in that sort of thing.

  4. i think they were investigating how the brain reacts to different types of sound, gesture (ie hand clap) and non-gesture (helicopter)

  5. I'm fascinated by things like this as well. Are any findings due to be published, or is it a long-term ongoing study?

    Great photos: unusual!

  6. its on going but will probably be published at some point, no idea when though.


Your comments are alway welcome, i know they take you time, i appreciate each one because, the smile they bring is mine.