Thursday, 28 April 2011

Full of chcolate

Yes, i admit it i've been eating my kids easter eggs! well, they taste so much better when they are not yours, and its better for them as it means they won't have eaten too much chocolate and chcolate is bad for them and their teeth etc etc etc...............
anyway, i have been up to things, i made more shorts for the boy
Don't ask me why he insisted on flashing his belly!
he likes them alot and i had to wash them overnoght so he could wear them on his trip to legoland!

How could i resist snapping this?
Is anyone else as excited about it as me?

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Wildflowers & Whimsy: Skye Reve Fabrics Giveaway

 Do you want a chance to win this (please say no cos i want it!)
Then visit

Wildflowers & Whimsy: Skye Reve Fabrics Giveaway
It includes 1/2 yrad of each of these yummy fabrics from the loverly skyerevefabrics

Check It out, then again don't cos it gives me more chance of winning!

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Shorts and a silly thing

I finally used some of the fabric i bort in barcelna last year and made my lad some shorts.

He says the pockets are too low down but other wise he likes them. On monday i took him out and let him choose some more fabric so he can have more than 1 pair of shorts this summer, he choose blue camoflage type fabric and black with large skull and cross bones fabric. I've cut them out and just need to sew them up now, with an improved pocket design!
As to being silly, i bort a new book at the end of last week only to find i'd already got it! so If anyone wants a copy of the Red Queen by Phiippa gregory just say and its yours.
Anyway, cheers you all, may well not get back to you till after easter so, if not, don't eat too much chocolate.

The gallery - my blog

Todays picture is suppose to sum up my blog!
You can see this as a pile of poo (which i'm sure some times my blog is) but also its a fertile pile of poo, full of thoughts and ideas and made things!

Thursday, 14 April 2011


Well after the loverly few days we had i think today is the day to make you all wish you had a pair of these...

Ok, the picture isn't good but today i wish my mum had knitted me some woollie legging too! Thes ones are for my tiny so she can be warm and toasty when we go ice skating! Mum even made some extra patches to put on a knee pads if she wanted them but i think they will become teddy covers!

NOTE: we tested them and they were fab. one warm and toasty tiny at the ice rink!

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Patterns needing homes

Hi all,
On the weekend i popped into one of my local charity shops, i like to look for things to use.......
Anyway, i found some patterns, 4 in total and 3 of them unopened! and all for 49p (yes 4 patterns for 49p!) How could i resist knowing that i could find them good homes! well, i got them home, have taken photos and if you want any of them they are yours, i just need an address.
YES, Free to good homes!
and here they are...
A simplicity pattern (9103) approx 1970, pattern says size 12 misses. (i say ye-ha!)
An other simplicity pattern (9716) approx 1970, pattern says size 16
a style pattern, again approx 1970's (there is a theme here i think!) pattern says size 12 misses
and finally
A vogue pattern, this is the one thats been opened and i haven't checked if all the bits are there. Again approx 1970 and this one says its a size 14.

So if you want one just leave me a message (making sure i can get hold of you!) and i can organise sending it to you. x

Monday, 11 April 2011

Tinys new dress

The lastest issue of sewhip (well the one on the top of my pile) has a loverly little reversible dress in it.
I decided that tiny needed one and picked up fabric (any excuse) while at the NEC for sewing for pleasure/hobby crafts.
It was really easy to make up although i did omit the bottem edge fabric as neither seemed to work.
here is the purple side.
and here is the orange side, tinys favorite

she likes it and so do i. what do you think?


On friday my little chap was evacuated! Well only for the day. He's been doing world war II at school and his year all went to school as evacuees on friday ready for their 'VE day' party!

I went for his school shorts and socks. I know the white shirt isn't exactly correct but i wasn't buying anything new so went with what he had (very make do and mend). My mum knitted him a tank top (v necked as they wore at the time) using some old wool she had in her stash. (mum doesn't buy wool very often and yet she has a massive stash! all the old ladies that she knows give her their wool that they don't use any more for her charity knitting and then tell their friends how send her more wool!). We put him in one of his dads ties (cut off cos it was way too long) and my brothers old cub cap (with badge and gold braid removed) complete with moth holes! I had to make him a gas mask box (box covered in brown paper with string) so he felt 'properly war time'. I think he looked very 1930's.

Monday, 4 April 2011


Did not a lot this weekend. visited grandparents (my mum and dad) cos it was my dads birthday (73). Made cake for my friend's little girl cos its her birthday too and shes gluten free like me.
Wishing now i'd made 2 cos i could do with a slice!