Well on Friday i got my self out and about and went to the Coventry Etsy craft party (what that is )
well i went along and found a part of Coventry i hadn't ventured to before (although it is close to Starbucks!)
It was being held at the old blue coats school - a beautiful building that was once part of the priory type buildings
I got there early (not planned but the offspring were distracted by mine craft so i escaped before they noticed!) and had a chance to oogle the building
lovely old stone work |
modern stone work |
old and new! |
Anyways, after a short delay in opening due to an accident (i hope the lady involved is feeling better now)
me and my friend went in. there were stalls to look around and we had a go at sewing on a photograph.
stalls |
Anna sewing |
This was my try. I want to pop a second layer of stitches around the skirt, or maybe 2 more.
It is a lovely way of making picture/postcard special. It is something i think would be wonderful for making card unique.
anyway - thank you to all those who organised it
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