Tuesday, 28 May 2013


 I haven't blogged for an age, i do apologies to anyone who missed me! I haven't so much been procrastinating, more festering!

I asked my friend what her little girly wanted for her birthday. 'Ballet things' came the reply. 'A tutu then' i said, 'ooooo yes, a red one please'.
I then realised what I'd said I'd do! i hunted the Internet for advice - there is some out there but mainly for those fantastic professional dancer type tutus. You-tube only brought me how to hand tie them on to elastic! basically the Internet failed this time!
So i called my mum (mums are fab!), but she couldn't remember as she only ever made one or 2 when i was very small.
I face booked my friend - i have know her for ever. He mum was my dance teacher and she is now a dance teacher.  My friend said eeeerrrrrrr I'll ask my mum. She asked her mum but didn't really understand it all so i ended up emailing all my questions to her mum (my old dance teacher). Result!

I decided to make the tutu in 2 parts.
If you are just interested in the tutu skip this next bit - its just me remembering an embarrassing incident.
When i was about 5, I went with my mum to red cross camp. Mum did the cooking for about 70-80 people on a camp for disabled and disadvantaged kids. It was held in a school in markfield (leicestershire). For some reason i was dressed up in a red tutu (i thought it was white but my mum has ensured me it was red!). It was before Lycra really existed and thus was made of satiny fabric with hooks up the back.. I was 5, i needed a wee. When you are 5 and need a wee you have to go urgently! I rushed to the loo but no one was about. The whole changing room, showers and loos were devoid of people. I knew my mum was just across the hall in the kitchen but i also knew i wouldn't make it! i sat on the loo and wee'd through my tutu. I shame face went to my mum, who didn't shout at me. She thought it was a better idea not to make a puddle!

OK, so i planned this tutu in 2 parts because it makes it easier for a 3year old to do 'the loo'.

I have been wrestling with the skirts for a couple of weeks, just putting it off and faffing!
But finally its done. i have loads of ends to sort out and i need to put some sequins (or similar) on the top. I even put bum ruffles on, so if she bends over (and small children tend to)  it looks good.
Its a tad small for tiny but she modelled it for me. the top and skirts should meet on a 3 year old!

bum ruffles and threads i need to deal with!
I think tiny will need one of her own! and i may even do a tutorial so there is one on the internet!

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Catch up and birthday cake

What ho!
Well I've been a rubbish blogger haven't I! Thinks have been so very busy at the day job that i haven't really had time to think.(that and blogger has decided it doesn't like uploading my pictures!)

I attended the sewing directories latest meet up, we did lots of chatting and embellished the front of notebook covers, thanks to sew happy geek - we got to choose some delicious liberty fabrics to use too (from sewbox who also provided goody bags for us all :)) Ellie from never forget took lots of pictures. There was a raffle and we all got prizes (hooray, i got some new pinking shears)
Both her (Ellie) and the sewing directory have some pictures of the day on their facebook pages and Fiona (of sewing directory fame has blogged it too)

my note book cover

picking things to embellish with

close up

busy busy busy

One a side note, my small (well not so small) boy had his birthday, and this is the cake he requested!

I've had the tin and the eyes for many years (mummy got me it when i was approx 14) but haven't used it in quite a while, it was nice to get it out again :)